Project 4 Proposal

For the final project I’m going to show what real Florida is like.  Most people who come to Florida think of just white sandy beaches, when in reality swamp land takes over the majority of Florida. I want to be able to show how that the real identity of Florida is its swamp land. For this I may or may not want to show videos of the beaches that everyone goes. These beaches are crowded and noisy and show how quiet and peaceful the swamps are.
To do this I am going to go and video some swamp land, such as the Hillsborough river swamp, or even the everglades. I also am going to maybe take videos of crowded popular beaches such as Clearwater Beach (Blegh). I am then going to project those videos onto branches, plants, and other things that would give the idea of you being in a swampy environment. I want to be able to show how different someone who has lived in Florida all their life sees Florida while other see it for such a shallow pool in a greater ocean. I want to give people a sense of what true Florida is, and how there is more to it than white sandy beaches.

Materials list
Videos of swamp land and possibly beaches
Branches and plants, you’d find in the swamp
Gator head

11/17 start taking videos
11/ 19 practice projecting and edit videos in premiere
11/27 edit videos and work in madmapper
12/12 final touches and edits to anything else
12/14 project due


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