Artists Statement

For this project I again did something that deals with pollution. This project again lets me bring to attention how pollution is destroying the environment. There was even a news article recently that said we have just over 10 years to be able to counter and hold off for another hundred years. I think this is an important issue to bring up because its something that many people are saying isn’t real or isn’t an important issue. I especially wanted to bring up this issue because living in Florida there is constantly trash on the beaches. So, I wanted to be able to show the juxtaposition between the beauty of the beaches and show how the city of Tampa is beautiful but at the cost of the beaches becoming unclean.
So, I had some of these beach videos about a year and a half ago, and recently I went to the same beach that was affected by red tide. The video that plays before the city is shown is the video of what the ocean looks like after the red tide is sort of cleaned out. In that video you can still see the water in clean but there isn’t any wildlife seen anywhere. I ended up videoing the Tampa cityscape because I wanted to show the contrast between the beaches surrounding Tampa. The juxtaposition of the black and white city to the colorful beaches and the red tide after effects show how pollution is changing the way we have to live our lives.

Also all the sounds used in my project are copyright free.


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