Project 2 Proposal

For this project I’m going to kind of do something similar to what I did for this first project, but this is my project 2.0. I’m going to project some videos of beach scenery onto the sand or grass with a cityscape made of plastics casting their shadows over the beach scenery. I want to show how plastics can be found everywhere now. The reason I want to make the plastics cast a shadow is because of how much human expansion has encroached on these environments. I think it would be interesting to do because of how this is changing how humans are trying to switch to alternatives to reduce plastic waste.
I want to do this project because it again lets me bring to attention how pollution is destroying the environment. I want to show with the idea of a plastic cityscape shows how pollution looms over us so closely. I also want to show with the plastic cityscape how we don’t think about the things we throw out when we’re done with them so having the plastic cityscape shows also how the trash we are “forgetting” about is still here. It also kind of made me think about how the trash we leave behind will still be here even after we are gone. I want people to think about how many things they throw out and consider what the outcome will be even a year from now.

Materials list
Plastic containers of various shapes
Videos of beach scenery

9/28 have videos taken
10/5 practice with projecting on grass or sand
10/6 work out how to get lighting to cast shadows
10/12 final touches and edits to anything else
10/19 project due


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