Artists Research 1

             For the artist research I chose Wolf Vostell, the only reason I chose him was because his name was wolf so since I like wolves I thought why not. The work that really stuck out to me was Wolf Vostell’s, “Grasshoppers”, 1969 – 1970. I thought it was a curious name to give to his artwork, but then it showed the juxtaposition of the lesbian lovers, with the tank next to them, while the viewer was shown at the lower, like a film strip, which made the viewer also part of the work. Something I didn’t noticed until after I read the description of the work was that, “Arranged above the photos are signs from a meteorological chart of the USA” (Media Art Net). I thought it was kind of funny how Vostell put the meteorological chart of the USA above the two photos because it made me think of the Cold War, and how the USA and Russia were at each other’s throats, and then Vostell puts in a picture of lesbian lovers. I feel as though the lesbian represented the times of when sexuality wasn’t as accepted as it kind of is today.
            Another thing that made “Grasshoppers”, such an interesting piece is that on the floor was tar, “On the floor is tar with residues of hair, shoes, bones – allusions, according to Vostell, 'to the bombing of Dresden during which, I read, the tar got so hot that people got stuck in it”(Media Art Net). This reminded me about 


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